“Design Patterns Explained” is my first book review entry. So where do I start..
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Monthly Archives: June 2003
EditPlus Client ActionScript & FCS setup files
I’ve been using EditPlus as my editor for a while now. Over that time i’ve built up some syntax files/ClipText/Auto-Complete files for both ActionScript and Flash Communication Server ActionScript for my personal use. I’ve been asked for these files before and thought I would just post it here for others that might find them useful.
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Handling file uploads without CFFILE
Many of us don’t have the luxury of dedicated servers and have to live with a shared host. Since hosts often limit some CF tags for security reasons, this appears to limit what we can do in CF. This question has come up a number of times in the forums so I put together an example of how to handle file uploads without CFFILE.
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Charting feature brainstorm
Now that our component set is done and released we’re starting to look at our enhancement list and coming up with ideas for the next version. We’ll probably have a maintenance release to add a few options and maybe a chart or two.
We’d love to hear your requests so feel free to post comments here or send me e-mail directly. document.write(““); document.write(“sam”); document.write(“@”); document.write(“blinex”); document.write(“.com“);
If you’re not familiar with our charts, please check them out. http://www.blinex.com/products/charting
Creating case sensitive XML Attributes
There was a question on a mailing list today complaining that CFMX creates XML attributes as all capitals. The user would do something like this:
Which of course produces an XML document that looks like this:
The trick is to use the array access notation instead of dot notation. Once you do that, your case is preserved. This is a complete example.