Speaking at FlashForward 2006 Austin on Flex Component Development

For the first time, FlashForward will be held in Austin September 11th to the 14th, and I’ll be there speaking on the topic of Component Development in the Flex World. Flex is the ideal component based development platform, and I strongly believe in the power of knowing how to develop them, even if they are basic and will not be distributed. Component based development helps break down large problems into achievable ones, while still maintaining excellent quality (here are some thoughts I had back in Sept 03 on the topic).

If you haven’t build components before, never built component in Flex, or just interested to see how easy it is to get started, then you’ll enjoy this session

Session Description:

Flex is an ideal Flash® application development platform that takes great advantage of built-in and custom-made components. For this reason, developing a good understanding of Flex components will help you build better applications faster, with fewer bugs.

In this session, Chafic will detail the internals of how components are structured beginning with the basics, walking through the process of building a first component and providing details about the different development options. Attendees will gain insight into what makes up a component as a basis to extend existing components or develop their own.

Topics covered include: the hierarchical structure of the Flex Component Framework, component development with MXML and ActionScript 3.0, component development with ActionScript 3.0 only, building custom events, implementing data binding, implementing style support.

Prior experience with Flex is not required, although helpful.

This will be my first time in Austin, if you are attending make sure to say hi

Component Development Presentation Files – FITC 2004

Posting my material for my session at FlashintheCan, Flash MX 2004 Component Development Using the Version 2 Architecture. The session went really well, thanks to everyone who attended. From the feedback I received after the presentation, everyone seemed to have found it informative.

The presentation material includes the PowerPoint presentation file, and the simple sample component (StatusIcon) built during the session.

Download the presentation material