onAir Bus Tour Presentation Material: AIR Windowing API

Being on the bus last week was a blast. We covered 4 cities in 5 days and even CNet picked it up (although they must not have realized not all the bus riders work for Adobe J). In my session I covered the NativeWindow class and related APIs as well as the Window Flex AIR component. This also includes creating a custom chrome and communicating between windows. I have posted my session material on the onAir google code repository in the SVN repository under /trunk/projects/presentations/AIR Windowing API. Thank for everyone who came out!

Links to some of the other great speakers that were on the bus last week

Flexmaniacs session materials: Component Development In The Flex World

Held last week and fully sold out, Flexmaniacs was the Flex conference to attend. It was great to have a conference in DC for a change (my home town). Even better, they have already announced next year’s conference in April.

Here’s the description of the session I gave titled Component Development In The Flex World

Flex is an ideal Flash® application development platform that takes great advantage of built-in and custom-made components. For this reason, developing a good understanding of Flex components will help you build better applications faster, with fewer bugs. In this session, Chafic will detail the internals of how components are structured beginning with the basics, walking through the process of building a first component and providing details about the different development options. Attendees will gain insight into what makes up a component as a basis to extend existing components or develop their own.

Download session material

360Flex session materials: Component Development In The Flex World

Finally getting around to posting my 360Flex session materials. Although I’ve given this session before, this version of the notes is updated to reflect more details on the lifecycle and the latest best practices for component development. I really enjoyed giving this session, and apologizes for taking so long to get the material online.

You can download them here

360Flex was an awesome conference, I was really impressed with the turnout for a first time event, and the quality of the sessions was excellent. It was nice to see a deep level of technical coverage of Flex. If you have missed it, the 360Flex organizers have already announced the second even to be held in seattle.

Flash and Flex can Hold Hands Slides Posted

Just in case people missed it on Ben’s blog. The session notes to the presentation we gave at FITC Hollywood on Flash and Flex working together to help build better Flex applications, and how a Flash designer/developer have a lot to offer the Flex platform has been posted on Ben’s blog. I really enjoyed giving this session and it seemed people found it very useful in helping reduce their fears of Flex.
Oh, and FITC was great too, great to hang out with everyone :)

Component Development In The Flex World Session Notes and Source

Just finished cleaning up my session notes for my session at FlashForward Austin on Component Development In The Flex World. I had a lot of fun giving this session, as many know I have a big interest in component based development and component development, and Flex has a solid platform for both. There are two main concepts that are important to walk away with. The concept of developing Application Component to help promote Component Based Development and developing Custom Components. Both are explained in the slides and an example component is provided for each.

Download Presentation