Skinning the Flash MX 2004 Components article published on DevNet

I’ve been too busy to Blog this earlier, but an article I wrote introducing methods of skinning Flash MX 2004 components was published on DevNet. In the article I detail different basic methods of skinning components that involve both using the library or code as well as discuss that pluses and minuses of each. I know there has been a lot of discussion and interest on the subject and hope you find this article helpful.

You can find the article here

Developing Flash MX 2004 Component Tutorial

I’ve written tutorial for introducing the topic of developing components for Flash MX 2004. Components have really come a long way since MX and in this article I introduce some and go through building a v2 component. I left a few things out purposely as there really is a lot to cover and I wanted to keep it approachable.

Also, this tutorial was part of a new series of tutorials released by If you have not checked them out and want to get up to speed on Flash MX 2004 I highly recommend them.