Getting ready for MAX 2003

MAX will be held next week and Sam and I will be there. Sam has attended DevCon in the past but for me this will be the first. We will be exhibiting our B-Line Charting components so if you want to say hi stop by our booth. We will also be blogging from the event with any free time we can find.

Also, keep up to date with MAX using MAXBloggers which will include our entries and entries from several other weblogs.

B-Line Charting Component 2.5 Released

We have launched our latest version of the B-Line Charting Components 2.5. This version is available as a free upgrade to all existing customers and for purchase at our online store for new customers.

Some of the New features in this version:

  • Flash MX 2004 Support. We continue to use the version 1 architecture with this release but have updated the components to support Flash Player 7 and include an HTML reference of the complete API.
  • 3D Rendering of the Bar, Hi-Low, Line, and Pie Charts.
  • Animation Support.
  • New Charts; Candlestick, and Triangle.

With this release now out the door, we’ve already started development on the 3.0 release of the charting components. We don’t have a solid set of features yet, but can say that it will be a complete re-write using the v2 architecture as well as include new charts and features from customer requests and from our think tank.

DRK 1-4 Flash MX components to be upgraded for FREE

There’s been a little discontent about the Flash content in DRK 5 on some mailing lists. If people paid for DRK 1-4 then they already have the components in DRK 5, they just don’t work with Flash MX 2004. The question is why should people pay again for components they already own?

As it turns out, all the components in DKR 5 that are upgrades of earlier components (everything except the new TabBar), will be made available for free from Macromedia to DRK 1-4 customers.
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Flash dot release on the way and some other info

I found some interesting information in the Breeze Presentation released today by Macromedia. This Breeze Presentation covers their financial information for the quareter but has some little things in there that some might find interesting.

  • There will be an update to Flash MX 2004 in November. I have no idea what they will be doing but i’m assuming this will be targetting many of the issues that people have expressed about the release.
  • Royale will be showcased at MAX and will be released early next year.
  • Macromedia’s server products are selling better than expected.
  • Macromedia’s 2004 product family did not sell as well as expected.
  • Macromedia will be purchasing eHelp. eHelp has great products and i’m sure this will be a good addition to Macromedia’ products.
  • Overall it was a good quarter for Macromedia!