CFUN-04 is this weekend!

If you’re in the Washington, DC metro area and haven’t signed up for CFUN-04 you should do so now–it’s this weekend! Even if you’re not in the immediate area, this is a great conference for ColdFusion developers with content addressing all skill levels and a variety of topics with five different tracks.

Chafic and I are both speaking at the conference on Component Development in Flash MX 2004 and Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office.

Speaking at MXEurope: CFMX E-Mail Agents

I just received notice that my proposal for MXEurope 2005 has been accepted. I’ll be speaking on creating e-mail agents in ColdFusion MX to assist with customer support. MXEurope is in London from January 31 through Februrary 2 next year.

Read more about my topic, CFMX E-Mail Agents.

Read more about MXEurope 2005.

This will also be my first time attending MXEurope so I’m really excited for the opportunity.

CFUN-04 Interview online

Both Chafic and I are speaking at CFUN-04 this year. One thing they’re doing new to provide more information about the conference is interviews with all the speakers. My interview is now available online.

Read my interview about integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office.

Last year was my first time at CFUN and I thought it was a great conference with lots of topics covering all skill levels in a variety of CF-related areas. If you’re in the DC-metro area or are just looking for a great CF-specific conference, I highly suggest it. This year it’s June 26 & 27 in Rockville, MD. Read more about the conference.

FYI: If you’re coming from out of town, the conference is at the DoubleTree which is fairly expensive. There’s a Ramada Inn across the street.

B-Line Charting Components 3.0 For Flash MX 2004 Now Available

We released our major update to B-Line Charting Components 3.0 today. This includes migration to the v2 architecture as well as internal updates to accomodate new features including combination charts, eight different axis scales, custom axis normalization routines, the ability to attach the legend to a container outside the chart, and enhanced styles support.

The set now includes fifteen charting components.

  1. Area Chart
  2. Box Chart
  3. Bubble Chart
  4. Candlestick Chart
  5. Clustered Bar Chart
  6. Combo Chart (new)
  7. Hi-Low Chart
  8. Horizontal Clustered Bar Chart (new)
  9. Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart (new)
  10. Line Chart
  11. Pie Chart
  12. Scatter Chart
  13. Stacked Bar Chart
  14. Step Chart (new)
  15. Triangle Chart

Notable features added in this release include

  • Enhanced event meta-data
  • Eight axis scales plus a custom scaling mechanism
  • Rotated and staggered tick mark labels
  • Vertical labels that don’t require an embedded font
  • Optional axes on all four sides of the chart
  • The ability to attach the legend to a MovieClip outside the chart
  • Expanded documentation with over 800 pages of information including many larger examples

For more general information and to purchase the components visit our website.

For detailed information on the features and functionality in this new version you can review the documentation online.

Can’t remember COM Program ID’s? PrimalScript to the rescue!

Sapien released a new build of our favorite IDE over the weekend, PrimalScript 3.1.437. This minor update adds PrimalSense (aka Tag-Insight or Intellisense) to createObject calls to list all installed COM ProgID’s. This is a pretty nifty feature if you work with COM in ColdFusion.


PrimalScript users can download the latest software by using the Help: Check for Updates… command inside PrimalScript.