Can’t find the problem, say there isn’t one–that’s the Compaq way

My computer is still broken–it broken when I was at MAX, right before my preso. I took it in to CompUSA where I bought it (at the time I had to get it same day, so ordering online wasn’t an option) for service and they sent it in to Compaq. Before sending it in they confirmed the computer wouldn’t boot.

Apparently Compaq looked at it, didn’t find a problem, and sent it back marked not reproducible. The computer doesn’t boot. How can you not reproduce this problem? So CompUSA is sending it again back to Compaq and I’m still without a laptop.

The list of companies and products I won’t use is getting longer now… CompUSA, Compaq, HP, Toshiba. I should probably just stick with an abacus, they don’t break.

Look Ma, No Computer!

I had a great time at my first MAX presentation. About fifteen minutes before I was to present my video card fried. As a Macromedia technician worked on my computer to see if it was something easily remedied, I frantically looked for other options. Another presenter loaned me his laptop and my tack manager had a copy of the presentation, so we loaded up the laptop and I was good to go. When I turned the laptop on back at the session, I was presented with a very unwelcome sight–the login screen. I didn’t have the password.

So, I gave my first presentation with no slides, no examples, and no demonstrations. I was very surprised that only a handfull of people left the room, and noticed very confused looks on the people that came in late. Luckily the topic is more more conceptual than hands-on and based on questions from the attendees it seemed that the presentation went about as well as can be expected.

Near the end my track manager and some Macromedia techs came in with another backup computer and we set it up to help highlight the things that needed visuals for explanation and to show the URL where the presentation can be downloaded.

Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office: Breezo and examples.

For the second session I was able to get a loaner computer from Macromedia far enough in advance to set it up and make sure all required software was installed and the examples ran through correctly.

Transactions can improve database performance

This seemed counter-intuitive to us when we stumbled upon it, but apparently wrapping update statements inside a transaction can improve the performance of the statement.

We were working on an import script that imports a large set of new data and also updates related records in existing data. The process runs asynchronously so we weren’t concerned too much with performance–it’s a long running process updating 7,000,000+ existing records with related data from 100,000 new ones.

However, we were surprised to notice that the same queries took over 1,000 seconds to run through our application whereas they ran in about 150 seconds in SQL+. After a lot of trial an error we wrapped the application queries in a transaction and the performance improved to be the same as running the statements in SQL+.

Because of the nature of the data load we don’t really need autonomous commits and thus weren’t using transactions to start with. We were very surprised to notice the speed increase after applying transactions.

Get free tech support at MAX

Macromedia has a very neat program at MAX that I’m not sure everyone is aware of. They have a support lab where attendees can come with their problems and get free tech support.

I’ll be helping out in the lab a bit, along with several other Team Macromedia volunteers, so be sure to drop by with your questions.

Changing Export frame for classes requires unchecking Export in First Frame for components

We received a slightly puzzling bug report for our charting components today. The user changed the export frame for classes in his movie to 2 in order to allow for a preloader on frame 1. As soon as he did this, the components stopped working.

He was very diligent in his report and provided examples and steps to reproduce the problem. I followed his steps and immediately saw the same problem he was reporting–the components no longer worked. Without immediately realizing what was wrong, I went as far as creating SWFs in with classes exported on frame 1, the default, and on frame 2 and compared the SWFs with ASV and saw that the differences were really minor.

But there was one important difference that was a problem–the components were being exported before the classes were available. Both the user and I had forgotten to uncheck Export in First Frame for the components. So of course they didn’t work. Uncheck that option and put them on the stage after the classes frame, and everything works fine.

As it turns out, the Flash MX 2004 Help on this issue is very clear. It provides steps for setting the export frame for classes and then explains the ramifications for doing that and that you have to uncheck Export in First Frame for components. Guess I need to rtfm more often….