This weekend the annual CFUN conference is taking place. Sam and I will be speaking and attending. We plan to post our presentation materials afterwards.
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Monthly Archives: June 2003
MTCodeBeautifier for ColdFusion
When putting together the blog and choosing which plugins to install–Chafic and I have very different views, I want everything since they’re nice to have, and Chafic wants to keep it down since it’s his server–I really longed for color coding ColdFusion code. This entry on Mike’s blog first introduced me to MTCodeBeautifier, from Sean Voisen. The resulting ActionScript looked great and my ColdFusion posts were boring by comparison.
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You don’t know what you have till it’s gone…
I love ColdFusion, but I never realized how much until I started using something else. When developing the templates for this Blog in MovableType I quickly found myself wanting to add ColdFusion tags for customization. Unfortunately it’s not that simple and MovableType is far more limited.
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So we finally did it..
A long time ago I bought this domain I had this idea of having a simulation that would be constantly running and visitors can go and check out this simulation as it progresses anytime.
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About Chafic
Not sure what to say. I haven’t updated this in a while and maybe I’ll just mention what I’ve been up to. I started a company called Atellis last year, that specializes in building products that utalize Flex and Flash. Our first product is called the Clinical Skills System, a system for administering clinical skills exams at university hospitals which is marketed as sold under the devision B-Line Medical.