PrimalScript for $98

You might have heard about Sapien’s New Years special

“On December 31, 2004 starting at 12:00 noon PST and ending at 11:59PM PST, PrimalScript 3.1 Download Version Only, will be offered at $129.00.”

Well, the Sapien guys were kind enough to allow us to offer a special for our blog readers. Purchase PrimalScript during the new years special and during checkout enter in the coupon code “ChaficRocks” and you will get an extra $31 off. That results in a total of only $98. If you have been waiting to purchase PrimalScript, this is the best time.

Is Flash Evil? Will it ever end!

This was inspired by a slashdot article the other day

I’m so tired of Flash bashing on slashdot. I find it funny that an audience that generally doesn’t care about a user friendly UI can comment so much about a product aimed solely at that market. The reality is that 99% of computer users are not software development geeks like us, until software developers understand that they will keep bashing Flash and i’m tired of it. I’m not obsessed with Flash, I just think that there is a proper time to use it and a proper time not to. Here are some realities that people who don’t have extensive experience with Flash need to keep in mind
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Can’t find the problem, say there isn’t one–that’s the Compaq way

My computer is still broken–it broken when I was at MAX, right before my preso. I took it in to CompUSA where I bought it (at the time I had to get it same day, so ordering online wasn’t an option) for service and they sent it in to Compaq. Before sending it in they confirmed the computer wouldn’t boot.

Apparently Compaq looked at it, didn’t find a problem, and sent it back marked not reproducible. The computer doesn’t boot. How can you not reproduce this problem? So CompUSA is sending it again back to Compaq and I’m still without a laptop.

The list of companies and products I won’t use is getting longer now… CompUSA, Compaq, HP, Toshiba. I should probably just stick with an abacus, they don’t break.