Now that B-Line Charting Components 2.0 have been released to the public for a few months, we’re ready to announce the enhancements that will be added in our next release. These include new charts, 3D effects, built-in animations, and native XML support.
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Monthly Archives: July 2003
New easing equation: easeInSquare
I’m working on a project where I wanted to use easing other than linear and Zeno’s paradox, but am unable to use Robert Penner’s wonderful equations.
After a little toying around, I came up with a set of equations that use square root to create a smooth tween.
Very Cool: KineticFusion
I don’t usually post software links, but KeneticFusion by Kenesis Software is very cool. It allows you to decompile a swf into xml or compile xml to a swf. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but this software is so far along and is free. It decompiled a large swf/project that I did a while back without a hitch.
Some other things to note:
1. The documentation is there with a bunch of samples
2. There is work underway to develop an xml Schema
3. This might be an answer to some people who want to be able to version control their projects (including Fla’s). Since your project would be xml based, you could have CVS keep a record of all the changes!
4. ItÂ’s just cool!
How to lie with numbers
CNET has an article titled At Web sites, Windows outpaces Linux. This has got to be one of the worst bold-faced lies I’ve seen in a reputable news organization. Even looking at the numbers presented in the article itself they’re talking about how 0.06% of Linux sites migrated to Windows 2003 server. Would you call that type of migration “Outpacing”? They didn’t even mention how many sites switched from Windows to Linux in the same time period.
If you agree that this is irresponsible reporting please e-mail the author.
Back From Flash Forward
I caught a cold over the weekend in New York and have been a bit slow to post my wrap-up on Flash Forward.
Flash Forward NY was a great event. We got a lot of good feedback at our booth and the presentations I attended were very well prepared. The attendance seemed to me a bit low in comparison to the San Francisco event but that could just be me..
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