Component Development In The Flex World Session Notes and Source

Just finished cleaning up my session notes for my session at FlashForward Austin on Component Development In The Flex World. I had a lot of fun giving this session, as many know I have a big interest in component based development and component development, and Flex has a solid platform for both. There are two main concepts that are important to walk away with. The concept of developing Application Component to help promote Component Based Development and developing Custom Components. Both are explained in the slides and an example component is provided for each.

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7 thoughts on “Component Development In The Flex World Session Notes and Source

  1. Sweet cheers dude looks good.
    I have been making a Flex UI for a .Net Application and have found making customCollection classes that are bindable great for components. I sort of pair up a component with the collection, the collection has bindable attributes that throw custom events when changed, then just wire up the datachanging events and they take care of them selves…Found doing custom binding events a bit of a minefield though if someday you want to add them to your presentation that would be cool!

    Cheers for sharing the preso!

  2. great jobs !! thanks for sharing with us.

    Hey Chafic, are you going to show up in Max 2006 Taiwan again this year ? if so, please do drop me a line.

    ps. I’m the guy bugged you after your component session :-)

  3. Jeremy, unfortunately I won’t be able to make it to Max Taiwan this year. Wrapping up the book, some other conferences, and planning to not travel till next year. I really enjoyed Taiwan, great place. It’s very possible I’ll make it to next year’s event.

  4. Pingback: Flashforward Blog » Blog Archive » Flashforward Austin: Recaps and Reviews [Updated]

  5. Pingback: evelbtzopxe

  6. hey Chafic,

    Ended up I could go to Max @ Vegas this year, and definitely will attend your .net integration session, will come by and say hello to you then :-)


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