As a lot of friends know I’ve been busy the past year since starting my company and I thought I’d share that we just passed the one year mark last month. Amazing how quckly time has passed and how much we’ve accomplished in a year, yet we still don’t have a website for the main company Atellis. In the past year we grew to 15 people, outgrew an office, have two products in the market (and more coming), and everyone got an iPod Video for Christmas too. Our division B-Line Medical has been doing very well and the future is looking better than ever. If you are or know of a talented developer out there looking for a fun place to work and live in the D.C. area or wouldn’t be apposed to moving here, drop me an email. We’re hiring developers for Flex 2/Flash, .Net, and C/C++ low level developers.
We’ve got a lot of exciting stuff coming up this year which I will be sharing here, just need to get time to do the website for Atellis sometime
Great news, congrats
We shall meet soon again some where on this globe and then dance into the night