Seems like a big day in announcements from Macromedia.
First, Macromedia launches a portion of its website dedicated to the “Flash Platform”
Some intersting documents on the Flash Platform
- An Overview of the Macromedia Platform by Kevin Lynch
- Delivering Enterprise Applications, Content, and
Communications with the Flash® Platform
Macromedia announces their intentions to deliver an IDE for rich internet application development based on the eclipse platform.
It’s great to see Macromedia marketing the “Flash Platform” in such a prominent manner and to see Macromedia working on a developer oriented IDE.
The “a portion of its website” link doesn’t “link” for me.. it’s just underlined and not clickable.
I have no idea why.
In case anybody else has the problem, here is the
It’s becauase the a href reads:
a href-”“ target=”_blank”
Not the – instead of a proper =