Flash dot release on the way and some other info

I found some interesting information in the Breeze Presentation released today by Macromedia. This Breeze Presentation covers their financial information for the quareter but has some little things in there that some might find interesting.

  • There will be an update to Flash MX 2004 in November. I have no idea what they will be doing but i’m assuming this will be targetting many of the issues that people have expressed about the release.
  • Royale will be showcased at MAX and will be released early next year.
  • Macromedia’s server products are selling better than expected.
  • Macromedia’s 2004 product family did not sell as well as expected.
  • Macromedia will be purchasing eHelp. eHelp has great products and i’m sure this will be a good addition to Macromedia’ products.
  • Overall it was a good quarter for Macromedia!

8 thoughts on “Flash dot release on the way and some other info

  1. I don’t see why the Flash dot release would be related to Royale–the timing is very different and there have been a lot of reports of issues with Flash that warrant a dot release.

    I don’t actually know anything, this is just my thoughts…

  2. Hi,

    The Flash “update” has nothing to do with Royale.


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