Can’t find the problem, say there isn’t one–that’s the Compaq way

My computer is still broken–it broken when I was at MAX, right before my preso. I took it in to CompUSA where I bought it (at the time I had to get it same day, so ordering online wasn’t an option) for service and they sent it in to Compaq. Before sending it in they confirmed the computer wouldn’t boot.

Apparently Compaq looked at it, didn’t find a problem, and sent it back marked not reproducible. The computer doesn’t boot. How can you not reproduce this problem? So CompUSA is sending it again back to Compaq and I’m still without a laptop.

The list of companies and products I won’t use is getting longer now… CompUSA, Compaq, HP, Toshiba. I should probably just stick with an abacus, they don’t break.

7 thoughts on “Can’t find the problem, say there isn’t one–that’s the Compaq way

  1. Always trying to find a positive; I can reduce your list–; Compaq and HP merged…

    Gateway blows, too. They mislead me about my system’s capabilities (didn’t support 32bit) and their trade in policy is a joke. My Alienware rules.

  2. Good luck. Compaq supplied me with extra RAM for a Presario. Unfortunately there was an error in their parts list so although they were supplying the ‘right’ part it was the wrong speed. Getting through their call handling system was a nightmare resulting in my e-mailing their CEO. It took about two months to resolve the problem.

  3. Buy a Fujitsu from PortableOne ( The prices are OK, the quality is way better.
    Fujitsu has an 8% initial return rate vs. Dell at 20% for example.
    Plus PortableOne will fix your computer if necessary.
    I am not affiliated with them in any way,
    but I know a good guy who works there.
    Tell Ivan I said Hi :-)

  4. IBM Thinkpads are the most reliable laptops in the world. They’re the only laptops I haven’t been able to break within 2 years of use.

    I use Compaq Evo N800c and a Toshiba M200 tablet at work. Both had hardware problems within a year.

  5. I’m also an IBM Thinkpad fan. I’ve used my laptop an everage of 14 hours a day for 2 years now. Their T and X series are better built than the others but do come at a premium. For me it’s worth it since I dock it and do all my work on one machine

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