Everyone has their own favorite method for choosing conference sessions. Macromedia provides separate listings by Track and by Level for MAX. I personally prefer to choose sessions first by speaker.
Since the Macromedia site doesn’t include a Sessions by Speaker list, I enlisted a little help from my track manager and compiled a list for you.
Speaker | Session Title | Links | |
Beau Ambur
Bringing your Flash Apps to the Desktop w/Director MX (DS300W)
Beau Ambur
The Technology Behind the Intro RIA (EM202W)
Jacquie Beck
MACR Breeze Solutions and Samples (EM000W)
Matt Boles
Building Macromedia Flash Apps with Dynamic Data (CS201H)
Jon Briccetti
Getting the Most from Dreamweaver Templates (DS301H)
Betsy Bruce
Tableless Layout in DW using the CSS Box Model (DS201H)
Angela Buraglia
Dreamweaver Killer Tips (DS006W)
Thomas Burleson
Building an RIA with MACR Flash & CF Web Services (CS204W)
Ray Camden
Coding for Reuse (SS208W)
Josh Cavalier
Designing Great Experiences w/Studio (DS003H)
Mike Chambers
Creating Multi-user and Messaging Applications in Macromedia Central(CS004W)
Mike Downey
Rapid Development of MACR Flash Presos & Apps (DS100W)
Steve Drucker
Tips for Cross-Browser Compatibility in Dreamweaver (DS012W)
Daniel Dura
Deconstructing a Macromedia Central Application (CS104W)
Ben Elmore
Exception Handling with ColdFusion Components (SS214W)
Troy Evans
MACR Flash Lite for NTT DoCoMo 505i Handsets (CS002W)
Drew Falkman
The Ideal ColdFusion Application: A CF/Java Hybrid (SS312W)
Ken Fogarty
Using Behaviors and Effects (DS203H)
Ben Forta
Using Web Services with ColdFusion (SS201H)
Ken Fricklas
Advanced Database Techniques (SS200W)
Dave Gallerizo
Advanced Techniques for using CF w/SQL Server (SS300W)
Shlomy Gantz
Great Interfaces & Experiences with Studio (DS010W)
David Gassner
Java for ColdFusion Developers (SS203H)
David George
Code-Based RIAs (SS230W)
Brian Ghidinelli
Best Practices in Development: Building Internet Applications with Studio (DS200W)
Michael Gough
Giving your Application the Halo Look and Feel (EM004W)
Paul Gubbay
Creating Data-Driven Macromedia Flash Apps (CS208W)
Lawson Hancock
Deploying MACR Contribute to Your Organization(DS210W)
Alexander Hearnz
Building a RIA using MACR Flash Remoting & .NET (CS207H)
Sean Hedenskog
Developing your First ColdFusion Application (SS101H)
Lea Hickman
Macromedia Central: A New Frontier for Internet Apps(CS000W)
Andrew Hindle
Building Globalized Applications (SS202W)
David Hogue
Delivering Better Enterprise Apps With RIA Technology (EM010W)
Simon Horwith
Rapidly Build Web Services Apps w/CF & Studio (SS301H)
Simon Horwith
Architecting ColdFusion Applications (SS304W)
Sue Hove
Building Database Powered Apps w/Dreamweaver & CF (DS101H)
Kevin Hoyt
Enterprise RIA Infrastructure (SS232W)
Tom Jordahl
Leveraging Web Services (SS222W)
Phillip Kerman
Creating your First Macromedia Central App (CS101H)
Forest Key
Using Video Effectively in Macromedia Flash (DS214W)
Kai Koenig
CF Components From The Ground Up (SS212W)
Erik Larson
Deploying MACR Contribute to Your Organization(DS210W)
Tom Link
Coding for Scalability (SS210W)
Joe Lowery
Developing Sites for Macromedia Contribute (DS102W)
Derek Lu
The Nuts & Bolts of the MACR “OnDemand” Seminar System (EM200W)
Kevin Lynch
Best Practices for Central Application Interface Design (DS206W)
Ethan Malasky
Central Application Architecture (CS210W)
Peter Meechan
Introducing Macromedia Mobile & Devices (CS006W)
Kevin Mullet
The Essence of Rich Interactive Experience (EM008W)
Chuck Neal
Director MX: Best Practices and Optimizations (DS202W)
Samuel Neff
Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Nader Nejat
Building a True Experience for your Mobile Customers (DS014W)
Nilson Neuschotz
Director MX Advanced Lingo Techniques (CS300W)
mike nimer
Tips & Tricks for Writing and Using CFC’s (SS206W)
John Nosal
FreeHand Design Techniques (DS104W)
Allen Partridge
Rapid Application Development with Director MX (DS004W)
Theodore Patrick
Component-Oriented Development w/MACR Flash (CS302W)
Nigel Pegg
Coding ActionScript for Better Performance (CS206W)
christine Perfetti
Looking at RIAs Through the Eyes of your Customers (EM006W)
Bill Perry
Developing PDA-based Apps with Macromedia Flash (CS008W)
Tom Person
Effective Rich Media Learning Apps with Director MX (DS204W)
Art Philips
Using Macromedia Flash with Web Services (CS203H)
James Polanco
Object-Oriented ActionScript: Design Patterns (CS304W)
Holly Quarzo
Practical CSS Examples for Navigation and Layout (DS208W)
Dan Radigan
Building an OS X Powered Web App w/PHP & mySQL (SS302W)
Bob Regan
Accessible Macromedia Flash Authoring Techniques (EM002W)
Julia Ridgeley
Studio & Contribute: Create a Collaborative Intranet (DS001H)
George Riley
The Nuts & Bolts of the MACR “OnDemand” Seminar System (EM200W)
George Riley
The Technology Behind the Intro RIA (EM202W)
Gary Rosenzweig
Introduction to Director for Macromedia Flash Users (CS102W)
Abigail Rudner
Fireworks MX: Save Time and get Results (DS216W)
Rob Rusher
Leveraging Enterprise Directory Services (SS220W)
Zak Ruvalcaba
ASP.NET Web Services with Dreamweaver (SS226W)
Peter Ryce
MACR Breeze Solutions and Samples (EM000W)
Peter Ryce
The Macromedia Breeze Product Family (EM100W)
Sheldon Sargent
Building Secure Applications (SS204W)
Jim Schley
ColdFusion Performance Analysis & Tuning (SS306W)
Leo Schuman
MVC (Model View Controller) and ColdFusion (SS308W)
Laurent Sellier
Creating Network-based Services for Mobile Phones w/Flash (CS100W)
Dave Simmons
Creating Many-to-Many Video Chat and Conferencing Apps (SS314W)
Andrew Sirotnik
Delivering Better Enterprise Apps With RIA Technology (EM010W)
Simon Slooten
Object Oriented ColdFusion (SS310W)
Don Smith
Connecting Dreamweaver with Macromedia Flash (DS002W)
Greg Smith
Macromedia Flash and XML (CS205H)
Mike Sorrentino
New Dreamweaver Extensions for .NET Development (CS200W)
Ruth Stryker
From Comps to Production w/Fireworks & Dreamweaver (DS008W)
Mike Sundermeyer
Design from the Experience Up (EM012W)
James Talbot
Creating MACR Flash UI Components w/ActionScript (CS301H)
Jeff Tapper
Leveraging XML with ColdFusion (SS224W)
Nathanial Thelen
What’s New in ActionScript 2.0 (CS212W)
Kevin Towes
Using the Flash Comm Server to Build a Virtual Classroom (CS106W)
Glenda Vigoreaux
ColdFusion Components (SS103H)
Dave Watts
Working with Multiple ColdFusion Instances (SS228W)
Mike Williams
Central Application Architecture (CS210W)
James Williamson
Advanced Techniques for MACR Flash Animation (DS212W)
If anyone’s interested, here’s a list of speakers I would recommend: Ray Camden, Drew Falkman, Ben Forta, Phillip Kerman, Kevin Lynch, Nigel Pegg, Kevin Towes, and Dave Watts.