Shared Libraries

I’ve been working on a project that uses Shared Libraries a lot. I realized something that I’m not sure is very apparent. Version 6,0,65 of the Flash Player included a bunch of fixes/additions to implementing Shared Libraries. If you are using shared libraries make sure to test on different players as you are likely using some of the abilities that were fixed/added in that release.

Here is what is mentioned in the release notes:

“Dependent Runtime Shared Libraries
The current limitation of the player is that you can only do one-tier shared libraries (Runtime Shared Libraries to consumer SWF). Developers now have the ability to do multi-tier dependent shared libraries.

Runtime Shared Libraries improvements:
-Support for multi-tier Runtime Shared Libraries.
-Double-byte functionality.
-Ability to handle complex Runtime Shared Libraries including components.
-Timing issues with Runtime Shared Libraries are now resolved.”

Shared libraries are great once you get them setup. In my current project I have a seperate shared library for Fonts, Components, and Graphics. This has really improved our workflow and our designer doesn’t have to bug us as much to make changes.

One thought on “Shared Libraries

  1. Do you find it hard to manage updates of components through-out various .FLA files?

    Ie one SWF could be using an out-dated Component (that you have changed) and so you have to open them up individually and recompile them *grr*

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