CFUN03 – Flash Communication Server Presentation

Kevin Towes and I gave a presentation on Flash Communication Server at CFUN. For those who did not attend the conference, this presentation was a bit different. Kevin and I ended up presenting together on stage. Kevin was speaking from Canada through Flash Communication server while I was physically at the conference.

Why such an experiment? Kevin was supposed to give this presentation alone but at the last minute was unable to attend the conference, because of that I received a call a day before the conference asking me if I could fill in KevinÂ’s slot. Kevin and I talked that day and decided we might want to try to do the presentation together. Kevin already had the presentation ready and just needed to make some additions to allow for both of us to control the presentation at the same time!

This actually worked surprisingly well. We got great feedback from those who attended. I also got to virtually meet Kevin who is a great guy. If you are here looking for the presentation material, Kevin provided all the material for download here.

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