Very Cool: KineticFusion

I don’t usually post software links, but KeneticFusion by Kenesis Software is very cool. It allows you to decompile a swf into xml or compile xml to a swf. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but this software is so far along and is free. It decompiled a large swf/project that I did a while back without a hitch.

Some other things to note:
1. The documentation is there with a bunch of samples
2. There is work underway to develop an xml Schema
3. This might be an answer to some people who want to be able to version control their projects (including Fla’s). Since your project would be xml based, you could have CVS keep a record of all the changes!
4. ItÂ’s just cool!

4 thoughts on “Very Cool: KineticFusion

  1. If you could run the compiling command line as a webservice, you could do flash development without flash, which would rock.

    As long as you had java, you could code, compile and run the swf right on something small like the Sharp Zaurus PDA.


  2. I didn’t think of a PDA, I thought of other possibilities that Sam and I have talked about that this tool could be used for. As soon as we do use it for something more than just playing i’ll be sure to post! If you find any nice other nice uses make sure to share it.

  3. That would certainly work and be pretty kewl but I don’t think XML conversion to SWF on a PDA would be all that advantageous. You can run SWF on a PDA and it doesn’t really matter if the SWF was produced with Flash, KineticFusion, Laszlo, or whatever. Since PDA have low power, it would be better to do the conversion before sending the to PDA.

    Same with the web service thing. It’s a free download of a 600kb jar file. Just put a copy on the computer where you want to compile swfs, that’s easier than web services.

    You can do Flash development without Flash IDE but I don’t think that’s going to be the practical development scenario for most poeple. The way I’m looking at KF for projects is we can have an assets swf that our designer is in charge of. He creates these with Flash. This can also contain a components swf. Then we create XML code that binds all the assets together into our visual forms and imports the ActionScript. This combines best of both worlds–wysiwyg IDE for designers, low-level control of forms and separate of visuals and code for developers.

    For the short amount of time I’ve played with KF, I’ve fallen in love it with really quickly.

  4. Sorry about my bad english, still learning.
    For my university thesis, I am considering designing some aplications for the sharp zaurus (sl5500) using flash. Any sugestions for converting the actionscript into something the
    Zaurus will uderstand. Any sugetions would be really apreciated.

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