FITC is always an amazingly fun and energetic conference and next week it will be held in Hollywood for the first time. I’ll be at there next week giving a full day workshop, a mini-workshop, and a session with Ben.
Stuff I’ll be presenting
- Flex 2 full day workshop: A full day workshop introducing Flex 2 with discussion of MXML, Actionscript 3, Components, Layout, and the basics needed to build your first application. (more details)
- Mini-Workshop on Flex 2: A short workshop introducing Flex 2, the bigger picture, and a solid introduction (more details).
- Flash and Flex can hold hands: A session I am giving with Ben on how Flash and Flex can work together. Our goal with this session is to show how Flex can be your friend, and in some cases how Flex can improve the workflow for existing Flash work. (more details).
See everyone there. If you’re still considering going, you can get a 10% discount off the price of a ticket by entering “Chafic55″ during the signup process!
Preved! Nice resourse! Kagdila? I’m medved