DRK 1-4 Flash MX components to be upgraded for FREE

There’s been a little discontent about the Flash content in DRK 5 on some mailing lists. If people paid for DRK 1-4 then they already have the components in DRK 5, they just don’t work with Flash MX 2004. The question is why should people pay again for components they already own?

As it turns out, all the components in DKR 5 that are upgrades of earlier components (everything except the new TabBar), will be made available for free from Macromedia to DRK 1-4 customers.

Here’s a quote from Heidi Voltmer of Macromedia:

Customers who bought any volume of DRK Volumes 1-4 in the past will be able to get the updated versions of the component set they paid for as a free upgrade shortly. For example if you purchased DRK Volume 2, you will be able to get the Flash UI Component Set 4 update from the Macromedia web site for free. You will not need to purchase the DRK Volume 5 to get the updated component set.

While I do not have an exact date that the free updates will be available, it will be soon and I will make sure that a message is posted here when they are available with instruction on how to get them.

9 thoughts on “DRK 1-4 Flash MX components to be upgraded for FREE

  1. I don’t have any more information than what’s in those two little paragraphs quoted from Heidi. Will have to wait and see exact details.

  2. Too late. On the DRK 5, some of these items are already on there. Look in “drk5\flash\components” – There’s the bevel component, FUIset 3, FUIset 4, FUIset 5. Flash Chart Component 2, etc.


  3. Too late? Yes, they’re all on DRK5 which subscribers receive and people can purchase, but the point of the post is that those components will also be given out for FREE to people who own DRK 1-4.

    That being the case, the fact that they’re on DRK5 is really confusing.

  4. What kinda gets under my skin as a subscriber is that I’m being shorted on a volume… since it’s going to be for free for owners of the previous versions subscribers should in turn be getting an extra volume. As is stands we’ll only really be getting 3 DRKs, and the TabBar (from a Flash POV).

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