B-Line Charting Components 2.5 just around the corner

Now that B-Line Charting Components 2.0 have been released to the public for a few months, we’re ready to announce the enhancements that will be added in our next release. These include new charts, 3D effects, built-in animations, and native XML support.

  • Triangle Chart. This is a different representation of single-series data similar to a Pie and Box chart. The advantage is that ranking of data is much easier to visualize with a Triangle than with the other chart types.
  • Combo Chart. The combo-chart allows you to layer any of the other 14 chart types to create a hundreds of combinations of new charts and attention-grabbing visual representations of data.
  • Candle-stick Chart. The candle-stick chart is a representation of Open-Hi-Low-Close data but provides faster recognition of rise and falls than a traditional Open-Hi-Low-Close chart.
  • Hi-Low Options. The Hi-Low chart has been enhanced to now support data that represents Hi-Low, Hi-Low-Close, or Open-Hi-Low-Close. This is also one of the charts that now support 3D, and the 3D effects on an Open-Hi-Low-Close chart are eye-catching.
  • Animations. All the charts now support animated data changes. This features allows every change in data to be animated over time. The real advantage is that developer only needs to include a single function call to add animations to a chart, and from that point forward, all data changes are animated. Example
  • XML. Many customers wanted the ability to throw a chart into a movie and have it up and running without programming. We’ve added this ability by including built in support for XML. Both developers and designers can create an XML file, or modify one of our samples, to control the charts. Simply set the XML reference for the charts and all the work is done without any ActionScript.

All these enhancements and more will be included in B-Line Charting Components 2.5 which will be available within a few weeks. It will be a free upgrade for current customers. You can read more about them, play with example applications, and purchase tham at my employer’s website. http://www.blinex.com/produts/charting

Any current customers that would be interested in beta testing the new set should e-mail me directly.

12 thoughts on “B-Line Charting Components 2.5 just around the corner

  1. Hello. I was visiting the sample application for the Flash charting and noticed that in the regional view, the West and the Midwest were the same gray.

  2. Yes, they both fall within the same range and receive the same color. That chart only uses three colors to differentiate six regions, so there is some duplication of colors. The number of colors is easily configurable within the component so if you want to avoid duplicates you can do so.

  3. Beta testing the components is complete and all documentation is complete. The set is ready to release. The new marketing information is written and being reviewed. As soon as it’s approved, they’ll be released.

    The new set is already being made available as a Beta to all existing customers who request it.

  4. Great! I am going to order a copy right now. How do I get my hands of the beta version?

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