Back From Flash Forward

I caught a cold over the weekend in New York and have been a bit slow to post my wrap-up on Flash Forward.

Flash Forward NY was a great event. We got a lot of good feedback at our booth and the presentations I attended were very well prepared. The attendance seemed to me a bit low in comparison to the San Francisco event but that could just be me..

The highlight of the event was the Keynote. We got a sneak peek at what Macromedia has been up to. The most interesting for me must have been the “Flash Player X”. I can’t wait for more performance out of Flash!

Some Pictures
- Flash Player X Numbers
- Royale
- Form Based Flash Development

One of my favorite presentation’s must have been Sam WanÂ’s. He had built this robot which he was able to control through FlashCom. A bunch of us who were logged in to his server were fighting to control it.

ThatÂ’s all from Flash Forward. I met a lot of people so just let me say hello to all !

4 thoughts on “Back From Flash Forward

  1. I can’t wait for better Flash performance either. It is going to make Laszlo’s ( ) stuff even better. If you are interested in what Royale may be, some day, you should check out what Laszlo have today.

    [Full disclosure: I am a Laszlo employee, software architect in their compiler group.]

  2. Thanks for the full disclosure… if you can make Laszlo use Flash MX 2004 components as is without requiring Laszlo specific components, then it would be worthwhile. As it is, Laszlo is not very attractive for component developers.

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