Michael Dinowitz from House of Fusion is co-sponsoring a Windows port of a visual Regular Expression editor. The screen shot looks promising.
Anyone interested in RegExp should check it out. I’ll post again here when it’s released. For now, they’re still looking for a few more sponsors. If you can help, contact document.write(‘‘);Michael Dinowitz
[picked up from Todd Rafferty's blog]
The Visual RegEx editor was released the other week. Information about it can be found on http://www.houseoffusion.com or http://www.cfregex.com. It’s GPL and ready to download for windows users. I’ll have the source up ASAP so that it can be compiled for Mac and Linux users as well (It’s using Qt).
thanks for the reg-exp editor.
havent seen yet.
but surely will be helpful.
Hi Guys
Thanks for taking the time posting. MSN have finally launch blogs, what was with the delay?
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