About Chafic

Not sure what to say. I haven’t updated this in a while and maybe I’ll just mention what I’ve been up to. I started a company called Atellis last year, that specializes in building products that utalize Flex and Flash. Our first product is called the Clinical Skills System, a system for administering clinical skills exams at university hospitals which is marketed as sold under the devision B-Line Medical.

6 thoughts on “About Chafic

  1. I just read your tutorial on flash components at ultrashocks..

    I would like to make a component just like the accordion component from flash mx 2004, – but with some small changes, –

    Is it possible to just make my changes in the source code for the original component or do I have to make a new component.

    Can I then reuse the original class?

    I would like the accordion to be able to open more submenus at the same time instead of just one….

    Kind regards

    Kasper Bach

  2. Chafic,

    I’m doing the textbox tute and my classes aren’t being found.

    Can I get your address so you can review my file please?

  3. Are either of you available for some freelance work? It shouldn’t take long. We need an outside consultant with high-level knowledge of Flash Remoting to view and debug a project we are currently working on.

    If you cannot, could you please point me in the right direction?

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